
    How to Make a Paper Crane

    Origami is a paper art. You are turning a sheet of paper into the substance or object.
    Today, you can watch the video How to Make a Paper Crane.
    It is very simple.
    See and repeat.

    Nothing difficult is not it?
    5 minutes and Paper Crane is ready.

    How to do it



    How to Make an Origami Boomerang

    A boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport. Although it is usually thought of as a wooden device, modern boomerangs used for sport are often made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastics or other high-tech materials. Historically, boomerang-like devices have also been made from bones. Boomerangs come in many shapes and sizes depending on their geographic or tribal origins and intended function. The most recognisable type is the returning boomerang, which is a throwing stick that travels in an elliptical path and returns to its point of origin when thrown correctly. A returning boomerang has uneven arms or wings, so that the spinning is lopsided to curve the path. Although non-returning boomerangs throw sticks (or kylies) were used as weapons, returning boomerangs have been used primarily for leisure or recreation. Returning boomerangs were also used as decoy birds of prey, thrown above long grass in order to frighten game birds into flight and into waiting nets. Modern returning boomerangs can be of various shapes or sizes as can be seen in the diagram of modern Boomerangs to the right of page.

    Today I found an interesting video about how to make a boomerang out of paper.
    From a single sheet of paper output 2 boomerang. It can be run at home and on the street.

    How to do it

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    How to make Hot Ice

    Hot ice there! You can do it yourself.

    Costs $25-35 for 500 grams of sodium accitate.

    Hot Ice will allow you to perform various experiments. You can create ice sculptures right in your room.

    Your friends will just shocked, when you show them hot ice.

    How to do it



    How to Make Fire Balls

    Real Fire Balls!
    No magic, just technology!

    Instructions - How to Make Fire Balls:

    You can amaze friends this trick. Best of all, it looks in the night.

    How to do it


    A homemade Wind Turbine

    Wind Turbine it is very simple in manufacturing.
    For this purpose that it it would be not necessary to make many forces.
    Wind Turbine it is possible to make of improvised materials.

    Idle time self-made ветрогенератор can be made of a usual bicycle wheel, a tin or firm plastic for wind-driven generator and generator blades in which quality the usual electromotor can act.

    We fix wind-driven generator blades for spokes.

    From below we fix the electrogenerator and it is connected it to a wheel by means of a rubber cord.

    Everything, idle time self-made ветрогенератор for a country house or a summer residence is ready.

    It is necessary to establish only it on a roof and to connect wires from the generator.

    How to do it



    How to make batteries

    A small video on how to make batteries, or rather how to build batteries for equipment junction among themselves.

    There is no secret in making no need to only free time, soldering nozzle, but the solder.

    See how easy it comes to those who have already made several such storage assemblies.

    You see - nothing difficult! It is possible to do build any format, you can make the batteries in the form of a long "sausage", but you can collect a fat square pack of 4 batteries in the section.

    This ability can be useful to you if you decide to self-produce the battery for a laptop rather than buy new.

    How to do it
